Hi, i'm erfan and this is my personal website!

Were you looking for onlyfans instead?

You're now reading: the things i'm waiting for!

Stuff that i look forward to y'know

New pages for misc. stuff i'm reading over on Webtoons arrive(s) in...

give the javascript a sec to kick in...

Jacob Collier's Kuala Lumpur part of his asia tour arrive(s) in...

give the javascript a sec to kick in...

Hollow Knight: Silksong, Team Cherry's sequel to Hollow Knight arrive(s) in...

give the javascript a sec to kick in...

21st September (where i currently live) arrive(s) in...

give the javascript a sec to kick in...

This page was first created: 2021/08/03
This page was last  changed: 2022/05/21
These pages have their changes logged here