i'm making a sub and some item assemblies for the videogame barotrauma. as a community member, not as a dev.
i'm building my dream submarine very slowly, core gameplay inspired by the aegis solo shuttle
i'm trying to write good documentation for how to use the pair of component based PID controllers i stuck to a nav terminal to make a tuneable PID maintain_pos autopilot before i upload it to the steam workshop
i'm tidying up an input counter and timer circuit to use as copypaste assemblies in larger wiring projects that i'll probably upload as well for convenience's sake
i'm making and doing a LOT more things that i'm not ready to talk about. check back every now and then for when i update this list if you'd like!
i wrote a short story and a limerick for Trent Month of Halloween! You can listen to trent's reading of my story here, or read the limerick and story here and here respectively!
backed nearly every act for BREATHE., an end of program showcase by the resident artists of recHAUS
it was a seriously good show and i'm so goddamn proud of em for pulling off what they pulled
like jammed with acts of the night unplanned for an audience and didn't flop type of fun!
i made this website
i've made some item assemblies for the videogame barotrauma. as a community member, not as a dev.
i stole kwogger's ffbaro.py and used it to generate an item assembly of inabakumori's lagtrain on barotrauma light components which i screenrecorded. it kinda popped off a little on youtube.